Kia Ora. Welcome to Ruapehu

Ohakune Disc Golf

Disc golf course and velocity culture exchange. A place where people get to throw discs at stuff.

Disc golf is played much like traditional golf, instead of a ball and clubs, however, players use a flying disc or Frisbee. Disc golf is an inclusive sport and can be played from school age to old age because disc golf is so easy to learn, no one is excluded. Check out more about disc golf here.

This disc golf course is located on Mangawhero Terrace Domain, along the Mangawhero River in Ohakune, and has 7 baskets making up 4 different 9-hole courses. And allows for creativity to make your course. Open day and night until 730ish. Basically, until the solar lights go out.

Discs are available from all our founding sponsors, TCB, powderhorn, kings, top ten-holiday park and even the craft house. The cost varies from $15 to $20 a day for rental. Visitors can contact Ohakune disc golf for session availability.